-- card: 2211 from stack: in -- bmap block id: 0 -- flags: 0000 -- background id: 2764 -- name: -- part contents for background part 21 ----- text ----- Clarity Depth of Color Color Viscosity Score Desciption -- part contents for background part 27 ----- text ----- General Appeal Fruit Aroma Bouquet Score Description -- part contents for background part 34 ----- text ----- Acidity Body Length Balance Score Description -- part contents for background part 47 ----- text ----- Overall Quality Score Description -- part contents for background part 73 ----- text ----- Unlocked -- part contents for background part 62 ----- text ----- red -- part contents for background part 35 ----- text ----- Tannin -- part contents for background part 77 ----- text ----- Wine tasting stack by Len Saaf This stack is free. It may be copied and distributed as long as you don't charge for it. I hope the stack is fairly self-explanatory. The rating system is based on a card that appears in a wine-tasting book by Michael Broadbent. It was designed for use in the 'Sunday Times Wine-tasting Club,' and is used here without permission. Evaluation of the wine is broken up into four categories: sight, smell, taste, and overall quality. Each of these categories has a number of characteristics that are judged by picking one of a few qualifiers using pop-up menus. For instance, the characteristics of 'smell' here are general appeal, fruit aroma, and bouquet. There are also a nuber of descriptive terms, any number of which can be chosen via pop-up menus at the 'Description' entry. Terms may be erased by choosing the last menu choice, 'CLEAR.' Comments for three of the four categories are entered using the small document icons by the category headings. When pressed, these buttons pop up a window for comments (or hide them if they are already visible). An icon with lines in it siglifies the the presence of comments. The total score is calculated automatically when all the partial scores have been entered. The button with the icon depicting a stack of cards with four arrows pops up a list of the names of all the cards in the stack and allows you to go directly to any one. The button with the 'sorting hand' icon sorts the cards in the stack by name, vintage, or score. The padlock button locks and unlocks the fields of the card so that, once an entry is made, subsequent inadvertant changes can be avoided.If the command key is held down while pushing the 'New Card' button, the fields from the present card will be copied into the new card. The rest of the buttons should be self-explanatory. I hope this stack is useful for you, and I would be interested to hear your comments and/or suggestions. My E-mail address is: saaf@joker.optics.rochester.edu and my 'physical' mail address is: Len Saaf 52 Raleigh St. Rochester, NY 14620 USA Enjoy!